Programme Details

Christian Focus
Our program is Christ-centered and God-honoring and recognizes the relevance of Biblical teaching in all aspects of the curriculum and its relationship to each individual child.
NZ Early Childhood Curriculum
Our centre weaves the core curriculum from Te Whāriki (Ministry of Education) into our Christian focused program. The core curriculum is reflected through art, clay, water, sand, carpentry, literacy and social interactions between adults and children, children and their peers, and the local community.
7:45am - 5:15pm
Programme Development
Collaborative program planning by the team
Provide experiences for active exploration to support children's interests.
Program is child driven and directed.
Planning will be based on the needs of each child as identified in the nationally adopted Early Childhood Curriculum guidelines and observation of groups and individual children.
Basic Learning principles will be based on Biblical beliefs and promote a Christian worldview.
The planning process will identify long term and short-term goals for children and adults.
We welcome all suggestions and ideas from parents and encourage parent’s participation and feedback.
Digital Learning tools are integrated into the program to provide opportunities for personalized learning.
Educa e-learning portfolios enhance our assessment and learning for children by strengthening our community engagement.

Blast Off School Satellite Programme
Footsteps believe it is important for our older 4 year old children to have the opportunity to be in their own learning environment. And so the BOSS program has been developed for this purpose in connection with Parkside School.
The Children have a classroom at the school that we visit every day from
Children experience a school environment in a relaxed Early Childhood Education context.
Teachers record daily what learning is occurring for the children and the objectives of each lesson.
Children are very excited to be part of the BOSS program.